The Sciton BBL Experience at Plastic Surgery Associates

September 5, 2024

At Plastic Surgery Associates of South Dakota, we proudly offer the Sciton BroadBand Light (BBL) treatment, a cutting-edge solution for rejuvenating your skin. This advanced technology targets a variety of skin concerns, including sun damage, age spots, redness, and uneven skin tone. Whether you’re new to BBL or considering it as your next step in skin care, here’s what you can expect from the Sciton BBL experience.

The BBL Treatment
Sciton BBL is a non-invasive light therapy that uses intense pulsed light to target pigment issues and stimulate collagen production. The treatment is quick—typically taking around 30 minutes—making it ideal for those with busy schedules. During the procedure, you’ll feel a warm, slight snapping sensation as the light pulses across your skin. It’s often described as mild and very tolerable, with little to no discomfort. We can apply a numbing cream if you’re more sensitive, but most patients find it unnecessary.

What to Expect After BBL
After your BBL treatment, your skin may appear slightly red or feel warm, much like a mild sunburn. You may also notice darkening of pigmented areas, which will naturally flake off over the following days. These reactions are normal and part of the process as your skin renews itself. Within a week, you’ll start seeing the initial results—brighter, more even skin tone with a noticeable improvement in texture and clarity.

Minimal Downtime, Maximum Results
One of the best features of Sciton BBL is its minimal downtime. Most patients return to their daily activities right away, making it a convenient “lunchtime” treatment. However, we do recommend avoiding direct sun exposure for several days after your procedure. Wearing a broad-spectrum sunscreen like Revision Skincare Intellishade TruPhysical is crucial to protecting your skin and maintaining the results of your treatment.

Long-Lasting Glow
The benefits of BBL don’t stop after your first session. Collagen production continues to increase, and your skin will improve over time. For optimal results, we often recommend a series of treatments, spaced a few weeks apart. With regular maintenance, BBL can help you maintain youthful, glowing skin for years to come.

At Plastic Surgery Associates, we’re committed to helping you look and feel your best with the latest in skin rejuvenation technology. Sciton BBL is a powerful, non-invasive way to address a range of skin concerns and achieve radiant, flawless skin. Whether you’re dealing with discoloration, fine lines, or sun damage, BBL is a fantastic option for rejuvenating your complexion and restoring your confidence.