
Just like skin, vaginal tissue relies on collagen for its support. With the normal aging process or physical stresses from childbearing, the tissue can become stretched and weakened. The result is a feeling of vaginal looseness called laxity, the side eff­ects of which can be diminished physical sensation during intercourse and urinary incontinence.

• Millions of women suff­er with vaginal laxity. In fact, 88% of doctors surveyed said vaginal laxity is the number 1 physical change occurring post vaginal delivery. (1)

• Vaginal laxity often goes unreported by their patients, and therefore untreated. 83% of doctors surveyed said vaginal laxity was underreported by their patients. (2)

Consequently, vaginal laxity can have a profound e­ffect on a woman’s overall health and well-being.

Vaginal laxity involves the full thickness of soft tissue and requires a treatment that reaches the deeper layers of tissue. Only the Viveve treatment uses tiny pulses of radiofrequency energy to gently heat the deeper layers of the vaginal tissue whilst simultaneously cooling and protecting the delicate surface. This unique approach ensures women’s experience is comfortable, quick and typically only one in-office session. Because the surfaces of the vaginal walls are not injured, and only the area just inside the vaginal opening is treated, women can return to normal activities immediately. Over the next 3 months, the body responds by gradually developing healthy, new collagen so the vaginal tissue is revitalized and sexual sensation and urinary control is improved.

Published on http://Geneveve.com

1 Millheiser, Kingsberg et al “Cross-sectional Surveys of Women and Obstetricians/Gynecologists: Perceptions on the Consequences of Vaginal Deliveries on Sexual Satisfaction, Sex Life and Introital Laxity.” Viveve research of 421 women and 524 physicians, 2009 2 Pauls RN, Fellner AN, and Davila GW. Vaginal laxity; a poorly understood quality of life problem. Survey of physician members of the International Urogynecological Association (IUGA). Int Urogynecol J. 2012;23:1435–1448.